Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5,000 Pennsylvania Children Stolen and Abused by Nazi Mind Control Brainwashing

REPORT Child Abuse in its true context: Nazi Mind Control has been brought to the U.S. to be used against our children! A Nazified culture has no future.

Over 5,000 children are stolen and abused in one Pennsylvania County alone. Nazi Mind Control employs Freudian sex taboos to destroy the parental duty of normal and necessary sex education in children. This sets children up for full Mockingbird media programming of "parental government" and "parental media" where the child's entire political reality is controlled by a controlled media for the rest of his or her life. Destruction of the parental duty also sets children up for drug addictions, neurosis and delusional media programming. This has been well proven in Europe where the parental duty is largely protected because Nazi Mind Control is better understood as a violation of children early in their life. Central to the Nazification of children is the Tavistock agenda of "depatterning" their minds away from normal sexual development. Sexual repression is key to Nazifying children for "endless war," all of which has been contrived by a controlled media. The exceptional patriot will study the true power and purpose of this mass brainwashing of children. The destruction of the parental duty is the destruction of reality and the Constitution itself.

Rednecks are literally too stupid to understand sexual repression and have been conditioned to believe it is a good thing. Failure to provide children with sophisticated sexual ethics and communication development at the proper stages of their development is sexual repression and this comes from the slave-making arts. It creates deep fears and learned ignorance in regard to sexuality and may lead to sexual phobias and myths. As the federal government maintains a monopoly over the slave-making arts, it fails to inform its citizens that sexual repression is key to brainwashing children. As children are held in sexual ignorance, they are being programmed to fall in love with the media which will deeply program their belief system for the rest of their lives. Deep irrational fears are also exploited to build enemy myths which serve government agendas like eugenics.

After World War II, President Eisenhower not only advanced an American version of the Nazi War machine, but he advanced a Nazi-inspired road system, Navy, Rocketry, Drug and Mind Control program. The Mind Control program was the most secret because it is the most disturbing and the most unconstitutional. Eisenhower was impressed with everything Nazi, therefore you would be highly negligent to assume he did not secretly advance Nazi Mind Control against us. Mind Control employs sex, drugs and usury devices which have been normalized for which elite children should be protected. Elite children should be protected from Freudian sex taboos and brainwashing of "parental media." All children are elite children.

PA Supreme Court Grants Juvenile Law Center’s Application for Extraordinary Relief for Juveniles in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. FBI reports massive fraud in Pennsylvania leading to the ongoing investigation of over 5,000 cases of Civil Rights abuse to children, parents.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court granted JLC’s application for extraordinary relief for juveniles in Luzerne County and appointed a special master, Judge Arthur Grim of Berks County Court of Common Pleas, to investigate the violations of children’s rights and return to the Supreme Court with recommendations for relief. Two judges pleaded guilty to accepting $2.6 million in kickbacks to imprison children in private detention centers without legal representation. The court will examine nearly 5,000 cases involving children since 2003.

The Court declared that its goal “is to determine whether the alleged travesty of juvenile justice in Luzerne County occurred, and if it did, to identify the affected juveniles and rectify the situation as fairly and swiftly as possible.”

“This is heartening news for youth and families in Luzerne County,” said Marsha Levick, Juvenile Law Center’s Legal Director. “We applaud the Supreme Court for extending to the Special Master broad discretion to remedy the harms caused by these judges. We look forward to working with Judge Grim to make sure that justice is done for the thousands of juveniles who are affected.”

“There are parents who have called who have said ‘I was shocked with what happened to my child,’” Lach said. “They were concerned with things that they thought were wrong. These are not easy cases and there’s a lot of reflection that needs to go into what happens. We want to be very caution in saying something did or did not happen, but obviously there’s a groundswell of concern from people who question whether justice was applied fairly.”

Family Input in Sentencing

Many people have expressed that they would like to provide the US Attorneys with statements regarding how these Judges’ wrongdoings affected their children and their families. If you believe that you were a victim as part of the Luzerne County corruption prosecutions, and if you want to learn more about your rights as a victim, please contact Laurie Reiley at 1-866-673-7340. You may also send a statement explaining why you feel you are a victim at the following address that will be considered during the sentencing phase.

United States Attorney’s Office

Middle District of Pennsylvania

Attention: Laurie Reiley

P.O. Box 1023

Harrisburg, PA 17108

If you have retained Juvenile Law Center for legal representation in this matter, Juvenile Law Center will collect your statements and send them to the Victim-Witness Coordinator at the US Attorneys Office so the Prosecution can consider it when seeking a sentence. Juvenile Law Center may also ask you if you would like to share your story with the press. However, no stories will be shared without the permission of the families. Families who have retained Juvenile Law Center may send their statements to luzernefamilies@jlc.org or to:

Juvenile Law Center

Attn: Luzerne Victims

1315 Walnut St., 4th Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Ritualistic abuse of children for the purpose of political power, wrongful custody and monetary reward are widespread violations of the Constitution of the United States. We now have very credible evidence that Eugenics is a substantial motivator for child ritualistic abuse by state and local authorities in full collaboration with the Bohemian Grove death cult and federal authorities. These bureaucrats are employing Nazi sex tricks on children and force, inflaming hysteria to traffic in children as sex slaves. Underground Pentagon recruitment of children made fatherless by fraud, ritualistic rape and torture for the creation of Mind Control slaves are major contributors to massive child abuse in the United States. These American Nazis intimidate parents and greatly limit legal services and medical services to parents being attacked in order to traffic in their children. The massive, covert psychological warfare against the American people is never exposed to them as a profound violation of the Constitution. We are going to change all of that!

We are seeking those abused by Children and Youth Services, Police and Justice Administrators in the County of Bedford, Pennsylvania over a period of 1980 to the present to bravely testify in regards to the following violations of the Constitution of the United States:

  • Murder, rape or ritualistic abuse of any child or children by state, local or federal officials within the confines of Bedford County, Pennsylvania which constitute a conspiracy against rights. Children have the right to life based upon sound and accurate psychology employed by real parents and not upon the needs of a Nazi-styled government. Federal Child Sex Slaves speak out against state child abuse.

  • Prejudicial investigation of parent so as to spread emotional contagion or falsely defame parent which led to the enslavement or trafficking of a child or children and a conspiracy against rights. The Enslavement of Children by Nazi methods.

  • Trafficking or enslavement of a child or children purely for financial gain by federal programs and a conspiracy against rights. CAPTA child "protection" fraud.

  • Violation of parental rights for equal protection under the law which led to the enslavement or trafficking of a child or children and a conspiracy against rights. The new Reign of Terror for parents.

Just after World War II, your government brought 600 Nazi mind controllers to America in order to invert our Constitution and program the entire society for eugenics and "endless war." The Constitution is so utterly inverted today, that parents are guilty until proven innocent in Kafkaesque false courts run largely by Nazified bigots, and the most enlightened of parents are having their children trafficked as sex slaves by actual Nazis. In America, most parents are literally replaced by the television as the emotional and rational mentor for the child and this was all planned by secret government many decades ago. Television today is full Nazification which demonizes the individual and makes government bureaucrats "parental." Television is then deeply programming these children with secret government "authority" agendas. These children will be driven into concentration camps lovingly depicted by their "parental" media and government as "freedom centers." These cyborg children will willingly march off to any emotionally engineered war created to kill them. They have no idea that their media parents are really CIA assets telling them lies. We now have sexual repression cults enforcing the indoctrination of children into this mass-media mythic system en mass. What is the true reason for American mass-media brainwashing?

It never occurred to you that your Constitution never set up your government as "parental," this has been programmed by Nazi Mind Control. You have a fundamental right to protect your children from Nazi sex cults.

My children were stolen by an actual Nazi sex cult to be held in sexual repression and programmed as sex slaves for Nazi war propaganda. I am mad as hell, and I will not be deterred.

Today's bureaucrats who target your children have been deeply programmed with Freudian sex taboos. This provides them with the energy and zeal to destroy the most important empowerment tool for early childhood: parental sex education. Sexually repressed children become imbued with bigotry and sadism and are designed to become killers for the Pentagon. However, most bureaucrats at the state level are merely marionettes and know little about the Pentagon's recruitment methods. But such bigotry is precisely the same as found in Nazi Germany, and we can now prove it has the same source.

Sex taboos are powerful weapons of warfare designed to destroy the parental duty of sex education and sophisticated development of children in the entire community. Children held in sexual ignorance at childhood become easily programmed by these taboos and alienated from sophisticated parental empowerment. But in Nazi-styled cultures, those parents who protect their children with comprehensive sex education will quickly become the victim of Nazi bigotry programming. As the parental duty is targetted in the U.S. just as Jews were targetted in Nazi Germany. This is literally a mob of Nazified political conformists who are crazed because they were denied real parents. The destruction of the parental duty has made them mad.

Enlightened parents in places like Bedford County are having their children stolen and given over to Nazi sex-cults to be raised on sexual repression farms or made into child sex slaves. Since these bureaucrats know nothing about the parental duty, they are highly negligent. These atrocities are invisible to the rational minds of the brainwashed. Once the parental duty is destroyed, the entire community is transformed into slaves of the state, as the state simply uses Nazi Mind Control and inflames the deeply embedded sex taboos in their sexually repressed parents. Over generations, this slave-making process becomes very powerful and fully normalized. This allows the state to traffic in the children "without leaving physical scares." This Nazi sex scam is actually an ancient slave-making device known as Black Widow Programming. By violating children's rights to learn about the human body in a normal fashion from real parents, the child is set-up for authoritarian indoctrination into subconscious slavery by the state. This weapon of war spreads the emotional contagion which fully represses the parental duty and sets children up for full media programming which is Nazifying them for "endless war," all based upon the fraud of 9/11. Such underground recruiting methods produces millions of "programmable" children for the Pentagon and funding for it is all sourced at the Bohemian Grove death cult.

Police are now gathering information on children through FaceBook and other "Sun King" secret government programs which serve the slave-makers at the Pentagon.

Destruction of the parental duty will fully invert our Constitution's power system from the enlightened parents of our Founding Fathers to the top-down thugs of Hitler. Yes, those who committed the horrible acts on 9/11 are Nazi thugs. Get the real facts about 9/11. Destruction of the parental duty for Nazification of children by "Behavioral science" is the true reason for massive alienation in Ameican culture today. 600 Nazi Mind Control operatives were brought to America in the 1940s to program Americans through their mass media. You will not understand this coup over the American parent in five minutes. You must become the exceptional patriot and study the real facts about Nazi Mind Control fully normalized in America.

The neurosis caused in children by the violation of the parental duty can be proven to an intelligent American jury. Children held in ignorance well into their development are easily traumatized by sexuality which causes neurosis and other anti-social behavior. This neurosis is a profound violation of the child and only Nazis do this to children for the purpose of brainwashing. Nazi bigotry programming is rooted in sexual repression at childhood. Rednecks will attack enlightened parents who do not want to raise their children as Nazis. Parental sex education is used everywhere in Europe to "de-Nazify" Europeans from Nazi Mind Control. Such empowerment of children is profoundly necessary in America today.

The entire "war on terror" is a fraud and has been deeply programmed into Americans through military PsyOps. This is a totalitarian mythic system created by government Mind Control for which only a few "elite" understand and control. The real power system for human beings is subconscious, therefore intelligent and well-educated parents will empower their own children for the realities of a subconscious power system. Freud knew this empowerment of children as normal and necessary as building the "reality principle."

"Elite" children are empowered by comprehensive sex education by their parents because such empowerment builds normal and necessary subconscious understanding in that child. State Department, military PsyOps and CIA employees are all instructed on the importance of early, naturalistic sex education between parent and child. But if you attempt to raise your own children in Bedford as "elite" children, this government will now use Mind Control, force and deception to destroy your family. These Mind Control devices are all emotion-based but are profoundly powerful. This fraud required the destruction of the reality principle in millions of children so that they entered into the delusional media-based programming of the government. It is a basic Nazi sex scam that the subconscious minds of children do not exist or are unimportant. Nothing is further from the truth! Children are sexual and require sophisticated sexual ethics development at childhood by real parents. "De-patterning" their minds away from this natural process causes enormous emotional harm. Your government has built powerful taboos into this issue because it is the very source of a massively fraudulant and wrongful power system. This secret to wrongful and unconstitutional power has utterly inverted our Constitution so that we have become one of the most mind-controlled nations on earth. Parental empowerment of children should not be met with lies, force or deception by governments or mobs. These emotions have been built into the culture just like in North Korea and for the very same reason of brainwashing children. Learn the truth!

In this lawsuit Top Experts will prove:

The over-whelming majority of Americans have been deeply violated at childhood away from the normal development of sexual truth and empowerment by the parental duty so that they were programmed by secret Mind Control operations involving mass media like television. These violated children were then programmed with sex taboos, myths and neurosis which serves secret government agendas. This programming is all sourced at military PsyOps operations for over 50 years. Such programmed children are then easily manipulated by sex, drugs and usury devices of Mind Control for the rest of their lives.

9/11 was an "inside job" proving the intent and purpose of this mass brainwashing.

Nazi Mind Control is found throughout American culture to serve the secret agendas of the military industrial complex. What we were warned by Eisenhower as a "spiritual attack" against the American family has indeed come to pass and is fully normalized as "news" or "entertainment." We simply need the courage to view the big picture. The "spiritual attack" is simply subconscious psychological warfare by those who understand real psychology and enjoy enormous powers to secretly advance it: the Bohemian Grove death cult. They have remained in near-absolute power since World War II. We must resolve to have the courage and decency to advance these truths in a real court of law.

The fact that your deeply held idea of power and authority has been fully inverted to serve a top-down government mythic system is not a coincidence. Freud told our own government how to accomplish this coup over the Constitution and over real parents 100 years ago through Mind Control. You simply must become the exceptional patriot and learn the truth about this powerful Mind Control fraud.

An intelligent American jury will no longer be deceived by Nazi Mind Control!

Review Roberts Court slavery, Roberts Court terrorism, Roberts Court 9/11 false flag terror attack, Roberts Court Mind Control.

Zeitgeist: Addendum---The true source of Terrorism and Slavery

The End of America: Movie
9/11 Visibility Website
The Exceptional Patriot: Dr. David Ray Griffin
The Exceptional Patriot: Naomi Wolf
The Exceptional Patriot: Charlie Sheen
The Exceptional Patriot: Ed Asner
The Exceptional Patriot: Jesse Ventura
Primitive Evil Resurrected in Bedford, Pennsylvania

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