Thursday, April 23, 2009

Children Mind Controlled as Sex Mules for Bizarre Republican Loyalty Rituals

Cathy O'Brien alleges that she was abducted by the CIA as a child and forced to participate in a mind control program named Project Monarch, which is said to be a subsection of MKULTRA and Project ARTICHOKE.

O'Brien claims that, as part of Monarch, she was forced to serve as "a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave" for (among others) Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter[3] with West Virginia Senator Robert C. Byrd working as her handler for the latter part of her time in the program. She states that she remained in the program until 1988 when she was rescued by Mark Phillips, who she claims is a former CIA operative.

O'Brien alleges that her daughter Kelly (born 1980), currently a ward of the state of Tennessee, is also a victim of Monarch.

Of O'Brien, religion scholar Matthias Gardell writes:

“ O'Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program ... U.S. Presidents Ford, [and many other world leaders] all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton ... While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O'Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States, the 9/11 Monster Plot, and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order. (Gardell, 97-98) ”

On websites, O'Brien claims she was rescued in 1988, which suggests that her daughter Kelly was no more than eight years old when last abused. Phillips stated in a Granada Forum lecture in 1996 that Kelly was in fact institutionalized when she was eight and has been raised in a mental institution. Due to media Mind Control, these cases never make the controlled media. Government abuses are always repressed from the media as the individual is always demonized as the culprit. This process builds profound disbelief in those who are exposed to government Mind Control cases. Building disbelief in Mind Control is the first mission of Mind Control.

List of Alleged Child Programmers

The End of America: Movie
9/11 Visibility Website
The Exceptional Patriot: Dr. David Ray Griffin
The Exceptional Patriot: Naomi Wolf
The Exceptional Patriot: Charlie Sheen
The Exceptional Patriot: Ed Asner
The Exceptional Patriot: Jesse Ventura
The Exceptional Patriot: Richard Gage
The Exceptional Patriot: Dr. Richard Gardener
The Exceptional Patriot: Kenny Johannemann
Primitive Evil Resurrected in Bedford, Pennsylvania

The Brainwashing of Children in America

Zeitgeist: Addendum---The true source of Terrorism and Slavery

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